It is used in bigger motors as they are helpful for different purposes in the industry. It will help to protect motors from overload conditions or overcurrent. It will work right when the contactor’s power rating is more significant than the circuit to which it is connected. It usually relays and switches connected to the circuit. It is like switching devices for the motor so you can understand it well. Contactors suppress and control the arc made by heavy motors and are used to control the current flow. The contactor helps to control the flow of electricity that is relayed by different contactors and relays within a motor. It will do an essential operation of switching electrical current on and off.
Know how to choose a contactor
It is used as a mechanical switching device for an electrical circuit controlled by a coil. The coil is an electromagnet that opens or closes an electrical circuit that the contactors help to carry out. The contactor’s primary contacts, like the main poles, are switching. The Electromagnetic contactor are made for AC or DC voltage through the contacts. A contactor is the same as a relay, but it is different in that it can work at higher currents and voltages. A set of analyses must be done to find an ideal contactor for a specific electric motor or application. It will include the motor’s load type and duty cycle, which come with the amount of current the motor releases. The type of application or motor is essential when finding a contactor when it is about to size the contactor.
Electrical properties
The electrical properties of a motor show are used to find a contactor, where you need to look at the details of a motor’s listed current, voltage, and power. You must list their properties so that it is easier for you to find a suitable contactor. Positioning a motor’s electrical supply is one factor you must know when choosing a contactor.
Duty cycle
You may know it as the duty factor, where the ratio of time a circuit or load is off to the time it is on is known as the duty cycle. It will show the percentage of time in the on position where it can have a pulse lasting .08 seconds of a .1 second cycle. You can translate it to an 80 percent duty cycle.
Find the right size
When it comes to sizing, you must know how to look for a contactor, see the type of motor, and check the application. The same motor used for other purposes will depend on the two different contactors. It needs a bigger contactor because of the high current loads during startup when turned on and off. But for a motor turned on for a long time, you can get a more miniature contactor.
Finding a contactor involves all these factors, and you must also consider the temperature and conditions. Whether the motor’s design is standalone or modular will affect the choice of the contactor. It will also need coil surge suppressors, busbars, interlock devices, or timers.
它用作由線圈控制的電路的機械開關裝置。線圈是一種電磁體,可開啟或關閉接觸器幫助執行的電路。接觸器的主觸點與主極一樣,正在切換。這 電磁 接觸 器
您可能會稱之為佔空因數,其中電路或負載關閉時間與開啟時間的比率稱為佔空比。它將顯示在 0.1 秒週期中脈衝持續 0.08 秒的開啟位置的時間百分比。您可以將其轉換為 80% 的佔空比。